Rainwater Harvesting Systems

The entry into force of executive decree number 43100-MINAE established a new legal obligation for owners of properties wishing to implement or have installed rainwater harvesting systems.

The systems for rainwater harvesting are used to collect and store rainwater for its use in daily human activities, especially in dry seasons or when water resources are scarce.

In the past, no permit or requirement was needed to install a rain harvesting system, however, the new regulation provides that now, property owners who use these systems must register them in the National Registry of Concessions administered by the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE, by its acronym in Spanish).

To carry out said registration, the following requirements must be presented to the Water Directorate, before October 26th, 2022:

  1. Certificate issued by the Public Registry for the property and its respective cadastral plot.
  2. Graphic scheme of the georeferenced site design of the entire rain harvesting system.
  3. Affidavit with an indication of:
  • Dimension and characterization of the reservoir or storage used.
  • Type of floor and wall waterproofing.
  • Maximum volume of storage water in cubic meters.
  • Uses of stored water and number of units in each use.
  • Type of technique or technology used in the rain harvesting system.

If the reservoir of rainwater harvesting is greater than 5000 m³, it will also be necessary to obtain the water concession as well as the environmental feasibility issued by the National Environmental Technical Secretariat (SETENA, by its acronym in Spanish).

If you have any questions or require more information, do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly assist you.

Best Regards,

TACTIC Estudio Legal

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