Our team works with laws to protect and enforce the rights of creators and owners of inventions, writing, music, designs, and other works. Some of our services include the registration and management of regional trademark portfolios, registration of licenses, industrial designs, geographical indications, origin denomination, industrial secrets, domain names and image rights consultancy.

Additionally, we offer our services in all matters concerning audits and due diligence processes, regional monitoring and surveillance services, transactions and litigation, intellectual property enforcement, and the making of intellectual property contracts.

As part of the creation of our regional firm, we also offer a specialized intellectual property service through our INNOVA IP division. This division has distinguished itself by providing an excellent service for those seeking intellectual property protection in the Central American region, as well as in other places around the world where there is interest. With INNOVA IP, we guarantee comprehensive and efficient management of intellectual property rights, aligned with the local and international needs of our clients.